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Literacy Lifeboat

MACUL 2015

Hope College

Tech Team


About This Project


The Literacy Lifeboat was funded by a MACUL 2015 grant. The objective of this grant was to take two iPads and create a traveling toolkit of sorts with assistive technology to educate preservice teachers. Each individual iPad has a designated purpose. One iPad was designed to go out into schools with preservice teahcers; the technology on it was meant to be used with students. The second iPad was designed to be used at the university itself to educate staff and preservice teachers on assistive technology. These LIteracy Lifeboat iPads are identical.


Both lifeboats have assistive techology on them for students with learning disabliities or challenges in writing and reading. Alternative ways to read, like reading through your ears, as well as alternative ways to write, such as speech-to-text or word prediction, are avaliable on the Literacy Lifeboats. Futhermore, the iPads are equipped with research that the Literacy LIfeboat staff has gathered over the course of this process, as well as an assortment of other tools. Explore several examples of the apps available on the literacy lifeboats here. 

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